Thursday, October 21, 2010


Salam and a good day to u guys and gals out there..
Hope that u r enjoying ur daily healthy life..
I'm enjoying d life that i have now..
Syukur alhamdulillah

As the topic mention above,
Today, i wanna share with u viewers about the importance of water
Water is needed in order to improve our weight reduction.
Water is needed in our life to make sure we r x dehydrated.

 Taken from

How much water i need to consume everyday?
The answer is very easy.

Your weight * 35 = Answer!

For an example,
88 * 35 = 3080 ml per day

plus minus with daily activities = 3500ml

So guys and gals..
Start changing ur daily water consumption

Your health will be totally changed once u use this concept
Do your best and improve your health

"Berubah ke arah yg lebih sihat dan lebih ceria"

Looking forward from u soon

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sharing Health Information

Salam and a good day 2 all of u
How ru guys and gals doing out there?
hope that u r enjoying ur healthy day out there.

Need any good nutrition for yourself?
Need to reduce some weight?
Need to gain some weight?
Or need any good supplement for your own?

The answer is here
Herbalife is the answer

Herbalife provides the simplest guidelines to improve your health
U can gain, reduce and maintain your weight by just following some simple steps.

I guaranteed u that ur health will improved just in weeks and u will live in a better and healthier way
I'm a Herbalife user and I'm proud of it.

Grab the chance and seize it. Improve your health!

Futher information or any questions about the products:


Looking forward to hear from u soon!

"Berubah ke arah yg lebih sihat dan lebih ceria"

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ni gmbo mase bulan satu tahun ni

Ni gmbo mase rayer

So, korg compare la berdasarkan gmbo2 di atas
mmg la nmpk macam tiada perubahan yg drastik..
korg bleh rasekan perubahan dlm mase 3 minggu pertama
yg pasti..
perubahan akan berlaku dari dalam cthnyer:
  • kurangnyer bersin di waktu pagi
  • stamina bertambah (sedar mase bulan puase)
  • kurang letih 
  • alahan berkurang
  • kulit kurang bermasalah 
inginkan perubahan?
call, sms atau email sayer


sayer akan membantu anda
jumpe lagi..

"Berubah ke arah yg lebih sihat dan lebih ceria"

Monday, October 4, 2010

 Ni gmbo mase sblum ni

Ni gmbo yg agak terkini

Nmpk x ape perbezaan pada gmbo2 tersebut?
bdn telah kurus..
ni la buktinyer setelah sy gunekan product ini
anda x percaya?
lihatlah pada gmbo2 tersebut..

jikalau anda ingin menjadi sepeti yg di atas
silalah hubungi sy
jgn segan silu..
bleh bertanya slalu..



Sunday, October 3, 2010

First post

Dengan lafaz Bismillah..
sy merasmikan pembukaan blog

segala perkongsian akan dibuat di sini

klu korg nk jaga kesihatan cth nk maintain kesihatan
kuruskan badan (utk yg berlebihan berat badan)
tambahkan berat badan (bagi yg kurus)
jgn segan silu untuk contact yer 

sy ade cara untuk mencapaikan hajat anda
next time sy upload bukti2 nye ye